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Help bundle diapers

Bundled Blessings relies on volunteers to sort and pack diapers into bundles that are delivered to our partner agencies for distributions to families in need. As a volunteer you’ll learn more about diaper need and how the diaper bank operates.

Bundling diapers is a very tangible way to help. We provide the diapers and supplies and you only need to commit 90 minutes of your time.

Sign up to join a bundling group or bring your friends and work colleagues to form your own group! We welcome clubs, congregations, schools, service organizations, families, corporate teams, as well as individuals.

a group of volunteers pack diapers

Donate diapers

Many people help us out by donating new or opened packages of diapers in our collection barrels. We currently have public drop-off barrels conveniently located in the Evanston/Skokie area. Simply purchase diapers and drop them off; it’s a quick and easy way to make a difference for families in need!

And if you're a business or organization that works with children and their parents, you could be a great candidate to become one of our barrel partners. Bundled Blessings provides a large donation barrel, along with signs to encourage people to donate new or opened packages of diapers. Then we come to pick up the diapers when the barrel is full.

a man holds diapers
a man carries diapers
a woman helps pack diapers

Host a diaper drive

Hosting a diaper drive in your neighborhood or workplace is a wonderful way to help us to collect diapers, raise awareness of diaper need, and make a difference in your community. The Bundled Blessings team will support you throughout the process, so you won’t be doing it alone.

We provide a collection barrel and promotional materials to help you spread the word. People can contribute new boxes of disposable diapers or open packages of diapers that their own babies or toddlers have outgrown. Direct donations or purchases from our Amazon Wish List are also helpful.

You can arrange a time to drop off items at Bundled Blessings Diaper Bank or request a donation pick-up. You may want to cap off your drive by scheduling a time for your group to bring the items and volunteer to bundle diapers as well.

two male volunteers load diapers into a vehicle

Partner with us

Each month Bundled Blessings supplies 19 local social service agencies with diapers to distribute to families in need. If your agency would like to partner with us to address diaper need among your clients, contact us for more information. We are currently at our maximum capacity, but we are happy to talk to you about our work and place you on our waiting list.

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