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Q. What is diaper need?


A. Clean diapers are a basic need of every infant and child. But data from the National Diaper Bank Network tells us that 1 in 2 U.S. families are unable to buy the diapers they need to keep their infant or child clean, dry, and healthy. 


Diapers are costly, often straining already tight budgets. A newborn baby can go through 12 diapers a day; an adequate supply can cost from $70 to $100 per month.


Families in diaper need may resort to rationing or reusing diapers. The financial strain can force parents to make tough choices between diapers and other basic needs like food, clothing, rent, and transportation.


Without clean diapers:

*Babies are more vulnerable to painful rashes, UTIs and other health problems, resulting in expensive trips to the pediatrician and lost wages for parents.

*3 in 5 parents miss work or school because they don’t have the diapers required to place their child in daycare.

*Toddlers miss out on the early childhood education opportunities that can make it 2.5 times more likely they will go on to higher education as young adults.

*Families are forced to make difficult decisions about how to care for their child and also pay rent and utilities, pay for transportation to work, and buy food.

*Mothers are at higher risk for maternal depression.



Q. Why can’t low-income families use government programs like SNAP (also known as food stamps) or WIC?


A. SNAP and WIC funds are not available for families to use to purchase diapers; they are nutrition programs administered by the Department of Agriculture.


The National Diaper Bank Network, of which Bundled Blessings is a member, does not advocate for these funds to be used for diapers. Diapers would be a big cost addition to these programs that already face budget challenges and are already severely underfunded.



Q. What is a diaper bank?


A. Diaper banks like Bundled Blessings are nonprofit hubs committed to ensuring every family has access to diapers, aiming to alleviate the hardships of diaper need within their community.


Bundled Blessings works with our partners in Evanston and neighboring communities who identify and assist families who are experiencing difficulty providing a sufficient supply of diapers for their children.


We are proud to be a member of the National Diaper Bank Network (NDBN), which works in partnership with local diaper banks in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. NDBN also collaborates with allied programs, donors, sponsors, and elected officials who share the common goal of ending diaper need in the United States.


NDBN and its more than 240 member diaper bank programs distributed more than 240 million donated diapers in 2023.



Q. What about cloth diapers?


A. Cloth diapers aren’t a viable option for families without a washer and dryer in their home, and many day care centers don’t accept them.


In the state of Illinois, it is also illegal to wash cloth diapers in a public laundry.



Q. How does Bundled Blessings get diapers?


A. Donations from people in the community, partnerships with businesses, and bulk purchasing through NDBN enable us to provide diapers at a reduced cost, maximizing the impact of every donation.



Q. How does Bundled Blessings get diapers to families?


A. We distribute diapers through a trusted network of local partner agencies, focusing on nonprofits, educational institutions, and health organizations. This ensures supplies reach those most in need efficiently ... and respectfully.



Q. How does Bundled Blessings get its funding?


A. Our funding comes from grants and generous individuals like you. These donations are crucial, allowing us to continue our mission and expand our reach to more families every year.


We are also grateful to our all-volunteer team and the generosity of First United Methodist Church of Evanston, which helps keep our operating expenses low.



Q. How can people volunteer at a Bundled Blessings event?


A. We are so grateful for our many volunteers who repackage diapers into bundles of 40 or 50 diapers for distribution to children in need through our agency partners. Volunteers are scheduled in 90-minute shifts which include a tour of the Diaper Bank as well as the actual packing.


Contact us at or visit our Volunteer page for information.



Q. How can I donate diapers?


A. We are thrilled to accept donations of full or opened packages of diapers at one of our many donation barrels around Evanston and surrounding communities. Or bring a box of diapers when you come to help with packing!



Q. How can community organizations volunteer?


A. Your community organization can bring a team of volunteers to a Bundled Blessings diaper packing session. Or you can host a diaper drive or set out a diaper barrel in your lobby or office. To learn more, visit our Volunteer page or contact us at



Q. How can an agency become a partner with Bundled Blessings?


A. Each month Bundled Blessings supplies 19 local social service agencies with diapers to distribute to families in need. If your agency would like to partner with us to address diaper need among your clients, contact us for more information.


We are not currently accepting new partnerships, but we are happy to talk to you about our work and place you on our waiting list.



Q. How can someone get diapers from Bundled Blessings?


A. We distribute monthly bundles of diapers through our partner agencies; we do not give directly to individuals. Learn more about the resources in our community that are available to you and your family.

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